Disability · Empowerment · Inclusion
Our center is open but at this time you must make an appointment with the staff person you would like to see. Call 914.682.3926 or 914.259.8036 (VP) to schedule an appointment at WILC.
Masks are required when you come to the office, protecting both yourself and our staff.
We are not open to the public for drop-ins until further notice.
For more information call or email your staff contact!
Not sure where to start? Explore our website, get information on the program pages, fill out an intake form, and we will get back in touch with you. Each program page also has contact information you can use to directly contact the program manager.
For general information email contact@putnamils.org or contact@wilc.org
914-682-3926 (Voice)
914-259-8036 (Video Phone)
845-228-7457 (Voice)
914-259-8036 (Video Phone)
The WILC 2024 Art Showcase celebrates the creativity and resilience of our community members with disabilities. This vibrant exhibition features an inspiring collection of visual and written artworks submitted by individuals within the WILC community.
We invite you to explore the showcase here!
Westchester Independent Living Center (“WILC”) v. State University of New York, Purchase College
Information from the CDC on COVID-19 Vaccine from ACL.gov
CDC_Benefits of Getting a COVID-19 Vaccine
CDC How COVID-19 Vaccines Work
CDC Myths and Misconceptions about COVID-19 Vaccines
CMS Actions to Ensure Access to Vaccines and Therapeutics
FDA Q&A on Vaccine Distribution and Planning for the National Governors Association
Understanding Operation Warp Speed
What do Older Adults and People with Disabilities Need to Know?
Information to protect yourself and your family is available The Centers for Disease Control (CDC)
Visit the The NYS Department of Health for additional information.
World Health Organization Myth Busters
Click for more links and information on Coronavirus
We try to make our website as accessible as possible. Please let us know if you have any difficulty accessing our website information and resources by clicking here.
Meet Michele Bianchi, Westchester Independent Living Service’s Deaf Advocate
Michele is WILC’s Deaf Advocate. She had been with WILC for over 14 years providing Sign Language Interpretation and advocating for the Deaf/Hard of Hearing. Michele is a CODA (Child of Deaf Adults) and grew up within the Deaf Community. Both of her parents are profoundly deaf so her first method of communication was American Sign Language (ASL). At the early age of two, she was and still is her parents’ voice and ears.
Michele is also a Certified Benefits Practitioner, certified by Cornell University’s Yang Tan Institute and has been providing Comprehensive Benefits Assessments for over 7 years, specializing in Social Security’s Work Incentives. Her work as an advocate for the Deaf includes providing information and referrals to help connect consumers to community resources, assist consumers in obtaining governmental benefits, when needed and advocacy. She utilizes Sorenson Video Phone to communicate with the Deaf and is able to interpret letters/correspondences, utilizing ASL, ESL and Pigeon.
In addition, Michele assists individuals referred by the White Plains Police Department and PACE Women’s Justice Center who experience Domestic Violence (some who are also Deaf), providing them same. Pre-COVID, quarterly Deaf Social Groups were held, giving the Deaf population an opportunity to socialize and be of support one to another. When it is safe, the Deaf Social Groups will resume.
To learn more about deaf services provided through Westchester Independent Living Center, click HERE.