With Election Day approaching, it’s crucial that all voters, including those with disabilities, are empowered to exercise their right to vote independently and privately. Michael Hellman, WILC’s ADA Specialist, has shared essential information to ensure a smooth voting experience for voters with disabilities. Below is a guide covering your rights, available accommodations, and key contacts to help make Election Day accessible and inclusive.

- What Are My Rights as a Voter with a Disability?
All voters are entitled to a private and independent voting experience. Voters with disabilities have specific protections to ensure accessible voting options that support autonomy and dignity at the polls.
- What Accommodations Are Available for Voters with Disabilities?
Every polling place is required to be accessible and equipped with a Ballot Marking Device (BMD), often called the “B machine.” This device provides multiple accommodations, including enlarged print, audible signals, and sip-and-puff attachments for voters with limited manual dexterity. This device is sometimes overlooked, so if you need it, ask a poll worker for assistance and a demonstration. If any issues arise, we encourage you to report them to the Board of Elections or reach out to WILC’s ADA Specialist.
- Can I Bring Someone to Help Me Vote?
Yes, voters with disabilities can bring someone they trust to assist with the voting process, ensuring they receive any needed help at the polls.
- Are There Alternative Ways to Vote if I Can’t Access the Polls?
If attending a polling place in person isn’t feasible, voters can request an absentee ballot, allowing them to vote without needing to visit the polls.
- What Should I Do If I Encounter Accessibility Issues on Election Day, or Want to Make Sure My Polling Place Is Accessible Before I Arrive?
You can directly contact the Voting Commissioners:
- Tajian M. Nelson, Democratic Commissioner – (914) 995-5706
- Douglas A. Colety, Republican Commissioner – (914) 995-5703
They are available to address concerns promptly and help maintain an accessible voting environment for all.

- Can I Vote Independently and Privately with a Disability?
Yes! The BMD voting machine is designed to allow voters with disabilities to cast their votes privately and independently, accommodating a wide range of accessibility needs.
- What Resources Are Available for Voters with Disabilities?
For more information and guidance on voting, check out the following resources:
- Westchester County Board of Elections: citizenparticipation.westchestergov.com
- Provides details on voting processes, including educational resources about using voting machines.
- League of Women Voters of Westchester: Access nonpartisan candidate guides and election information through local and national chapters.
- Learn more about candidates and ballot issues: www.ontheissues.org
- View your local ballot and candidate details: Ballotpedia
- How Can WILC Assist with Your Voting Needs?
For last-minute questions or assistance on Election Day, reach out to Michael Hellman at WILC: 914-682-3926 ext. 2119. You can also contact the Westchester County Board of Elections directly for urgent inquiries.
By sharing these resources and guidelines, WILC hopes to empower all voters with disabilities in Westchester County to cast their ballots independently, confidently, and securely.